december, 2022

Event Details
The second and final round of our Music Industry Expert Sessions is coming up!
Event Details
The second and final round of our Music Industry Expert Sessions is coming up!
musicBwomen* presents: Music Industry Expert Sessions with Gülin Mansur on December 14th.
We are thrilled to have Gülin on board to be our second 2022 music industry expert consultant and to share her expertise with you!
Music Industry Expert Sessions are one-on-one consulting sessions that offer space to talk about your creative endeavors, work experiences, and solve problems together. Our goal is to connect experts from various music industry fields with newcomers from our mBw* Community!
Don't miss out:
TWO 60 min spots are available for December 14th between 10-12h, 18-19h and 20-21h. Sessions can take place in German or English spoken language and will take place online.
To register, please send a message to with a few words about yourself and why you're interested in a session with Gülin.
About Gülin:
Gülin Mansur is a Berlin based music producer & singer & songwriter with turkish and arab roots. Starting as a singer and songwriter of her band Gülina, she later founded her own initiative supporting youth & young women* from conflict areas through music - empowerment – workshops.
As a music producer aka RUSNAM she is a two-time grantee of the Neustart Kulturfonds @musikfonds. She is involved in various theater and music projects with FLINTA+ & BPoC artists and finances her own music projects through public fundings.
Last year she received a grant from the Senate for Culture and Europe for the experimental audiovisual live performance 'ctrl.xx.tension', which explores the image of women shaped by female pop icons and makes the experiences of discrimination visible - connecting classical instruments from the middle east & north africa with electronic sounds.
This year she started her own female - run recording studio 'deepdiveStudios' - a safe space for FLINTA+ artists to support them in recording and music production.
Follow us on instagram to stay up to date: musicBwomen*
(Wednesday) 10:00 - 11:30
Zoom Videokonferenz