
musicBwomen* is the Berlin network of our nationwide umbrella organization Music Women* Germany

musicBwomen* is the Berlin network of the nationwide umbrella organization Music Women* Germany.

Through the consulting sessions, networking events, communication and educational work, musicBwomen* is specifically committed to the promotion, visibility and connection of flinta* people from the fields of art, business, media or tech in the music industry.

Because there are still barriers in the music industry, which especially prevent flinta* people from being seen and heard, from getting booked, and from building a successful career.

They not only want to offer you platforms where we promote you and your work, but also want to strengthen and support each other as a network: e.g. through great networking events with partner initiatives and activists. Our goal is to generate synergies. If you are a project, initiative, or group and are interested in creating something together, please get in touch!


The musicBwomen* consulting sessions create space where you can talk about your career plans, creative ideas, and experienced barriers in the music industry to find creative solutions and support you with an open ear, education and support opportunities. The consulting sessions take place monthly.

Register today! Simply send an email with your questions and what you would like to discuss to


Since 2019, musicBwomen* has been funded by the Musicboard Berlin GmbH. Their support is the reason why our network came to life and continues to exist. We say thank you!

Since November 2018, the Berlin Music Commission eG has been the supporter of the local musicBwomen* network.

Contact person: Katharina Ott-Alavi
Contact person from the BMC office: Luanny Tiago da Conceição

flinta* stands for: female, lesbian, inter*, non-binary, trans* and agender people.

The term is used to illustrate that not only women experience discrimination based on their gender, but also other genders who identify outside the binary order of woman/man.

Upcoming Dates:

Gefördert durch die Musicboard Berlin GmbH