

The Story
Inspired by the nationwide discussions about mainstream radio stations and playing German music on the radio, Mona Rübsamen, Markus Kühn and Tim Renner founded MotorFM in 2004. They had a clear mission: create a radio station that is relevant and not just some other random, exchangeable background noise. A radio station which serves as a platform for creativity and goes beyond playing the same 300 songs over and over again. A radio station which integrates new media instead of competing with it. On 1 February, 2006, MotorFM started broadcasting at 100.6 MHz – Germany‘s furthest reaching frequency. On 23 August, 2011, the name was changed to FluxFM.

The direction: Radio. Online. Events.
The future is digital. The world we inhabit is diverse, fast and sometimes confusing. FluxFM acts both as a window to this world and as a tasteful guide. It‘s not just a radio station but also a community, promoter and online medium. It‘s an urban network and a starting point for multiple activities and scenes. The FluxMusic app takes up these ideas: 25 channels, all lovingly curated by music enthusiasts, cover different genres – from hip hop to 90s to neo-classics. While elsewhere it takes considerable time and effort to find the right playlist or song, FluxMusic instantly plays the music you want to hear.

The Programme: Pop culture. Web culture. Urban lifestyle.
We focus on pop and web culture as well as life in the city of Berlin. Yet, we also think outside the box. As part of an international radio alliance, FluxFM exchanges ideas with XFM (London) and Indie103.1 (Los Angeles) and takes great interest in what‘s happening in the rest of the world. Our approach to music is unique in Germany. We play bands that fill concert halls, songs that get people dancing in clubs, as well as legends that have almost fallen into oblivion. And most importantly, we play new music – from just released songs to artists you haven’t even heard of yet. Not just on FluxFM, but also on our various FluxMusic channels.

FluxFM is different, tolerant and intellectually stimulating, though not cocky. We are authentic and well-connected with musicians and creative folks. We are dedicated and passionate about music and have a blast at work.

Plattform für regionale Musikwirtschaft GmbH
Pfuelstraße 5
Aufgang V, 5. OG
10997 Berlin

T +49 (0)30 69 59 90 90
F +49 (0)30 69 59 90 99 99

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