

Club culture is a cultural asset that significantly enriches Berlin’s social, cultural and economic life. Since 2000 Clubcommission Berlin e.V. has promoted and supported the now 140 members in the Berlin club, festival, open air, party and cultural events organisers. In so doing, our association has become a guide for other metropolises across Berlin Brandenburg and Germany who have set up in recent years.

Berlin has a reputation for a having one of the most multifaceted music scenes. The economic impact of the music scene has helped shape Berlin’s development as a whole. Clubs, festivals and all cultural events in Berlin are laboratories for artists and producers. Yet, they are idea pools for creatives in fashion, film, gaming and modern art too. Every day, new connections are made, collaborations and projects created; niches fight their corners and new trends are set. As culture draws people to Berlin, other industries benefit too: tech, startups, gastronomy and tourism all benefit.

Through its work, Clubcommission is laying the ground for the preservation, development and future of the Berlin club scene. We speak on behalf of the many voices of this sector. We promote the sectors’ political, administrative and economic interests to ensure their recognition. We are the main point of contact for the press, authorities, institutions and service providers. We represent our sector in conferences, city planning, economic events, in response to specific political events and abroad.

Clubcommission Berlin
Verband der Berliner Club-, Party-
und Kulturereignisveranstalter e.V.

Brückenstraße 1
10179 Berlin

T +49 (0)30 27 57 66 99
F +49 (0)30 30 87 54 11

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