Petra Sachse, Direktorin in der Berliner Sparkasse, Vertriebsleiterin Medien- und Kreativwirtschaft

The Berliner Sparkasse has been inseparable from Berlin for 200 years. As an indispensable part of this city, it is visible, well-connected and integrated everywhere – both in business and socially. It is constantly expanding its offering and tailoring it to the needs of its customers. Nearly two million people are customers of Berliner Sparkasse.
As a modern universal bank, Berliner Sparkasse advises its customers on all financial matters. The focus is on the retail business with private and corporate clients as well as regional commercial real estate financing. The offer ranges from daily payments and traditional investment to the financing of private or business investments, advice on asset building, retirement provision and insurance issues, as well as private and commercial real estate financing.
Since its foundation in 1818, the Berliner Sparkasse has fulfilled its public mandate. In addition to its traditional tasks, such as providing the population with financial services or promoting saving and commerce, the focus of its trade is on the common good. An essential part of this is social commitment. Through its three foundations, the Berliner Sparkasse supports a wide range of projects in the fields of education, health, science, art, culture and sport. In addition, it is well networked through associations and cooperations in the city

Berliner Sparkasse
Alexanderplatz 2
10178 Berlin

T +49 (0)30 869 869 69
F +49 (0)30 869 69 41369

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