Diversity instead of simple-mindness! Berlin organisers unite against the shift to the right
The Berlin event industry is taking a clear stand against right-wing extremism. You may have already seen the first posters of our campaign, which can currently be seen everywhere in the Berlin cityscape. The initiative is organised by the Berlin Music Commission’s event industry group.
The group wants to send a strong signal for diversity, for a colourful society and for the resilience of democracy.
Read the group’s statement here:
“Art needs freedom! With our diverse programmes, we not only stand for artistic excellence, but are also clearly committed to liberal-democratic values. We resolutely oppose any attempt at racism, anti-Semitism, religious intolerance, sexism and homophobia!
It is no longer enough to simply oppose all forms of extremism – we publicly oppose all forms of tendencies that threaten democracy. We are flying the flag and clearly expressing our convictions!
We not only love music, theatre, art and sport, but also the values they represent. We companies and our diverse artists and ensembles perform programmes that are in harmony with our attitudes to life and fundamental values. We rely on this diversity as our guiding principle. Together with our employees from over 20 nations, we stand up for a society based on diversity, freedom and democracy.
We emphasise our commitment to the democratic principle and actively oppose political groups that undermine democracy. In times when anti-democratic forces are gaining strength, it is crucial to protect democratic values. Love of democracy requires not only recognition, but also active engagement against anti-democratic tendencies. In the face of emerging dangers, we are sending a clear signal in defence of democracy. Only together can we ensure that the cornerstones of our society remain intact and that it can thrive.”
Christel Herkenrath (Spokesperson for the Berlin Music Commission’s Event Industry Section)
Stephan Hengst (Spokesperson for the Berlin Music Commission’s Event Industry Section)
Daniel Domdey (Spokesperson for the Berlin Music Commission’s Event Industry Group)
Olli Hörn (Spokesperson for the Berlin Music Commission’s Event Industry Group)
Malte Brants (Spokesperson for the Berlin Music Commission’s Event Industry Group)
Olaf Kretschmar (Chairman of the Berlin Music Commission)