Entries by BMC

Sprechstunde Musikwirtschaft – The driving force behind the success

Sprechstunde Musikwirtschaft: Superfans – The Driving Force Behind Success In our upcoming office hour, we will focus on the unique audience that can make a significant difference in the music industry: Superfans. Markus Hahn, founder of the music streaming service fjalla and an experienced music business professional, will provide exciting insights and practical tips on […]

Sprechstunde Musikwirtschaft – Successful with trainee marketing

We would like to invite you to the next music industry consultation, which will take place on 31 October 2024. This time, Hannah Stenke from the IHK will be speaking on the topic of ‘Successful with trainee marketing’. Immerse yourself in the world of Gen Z and learn how to inspire them not only musically […]

We are part of #BerlinIstKultur

We are part of the #BerlinIstKultur campaign and call on all artists, cultural institutions and cultural facilities in Berlin to take part on 16 October 2024! In view of the impending cuts to the Berlin budget, it is crucial that we raise our voices. Cuts in the cultural sector are not only a bad financial […]