Shortage of skilled workers in the creative industries – nxtB:now on 22.03.222
After years of growth, the creative industries are currently experiencing a significant shortage of skilled workers – triggered primarily by the Corona crisis. The music and events industry in particular has experienced a large exodus of workers over the past two years due to the pandemic. In the nxtB:now on Tuesday, March 22, 2022, 12:30-13:30, we, together with our specialist group event industry and the IHK Berlin, gave an insight into how and under what conditions international specialists and support staff can be employed and what opportunities training offers. We talked about the job opportunities for war refugees from Ukraine and how they can be offered a short- or long-term perspective in the industry.
Maxim Kempe (IHK Berlin) gave an overview of the legal and bureaucratic requirements for employing third-country nationals. He focused on the hiring process for skilled workers with vocational training or university degrees as well as unskilled workers – also with a view to the situation in Ukraine.
In the second block, Ines Janoszka and Anja Brandes (IHK Berlin) presented dual training for small and micro enterprises. Afterwards, the participants discussed which tailor-made solutions the industry needs.